Baddock, James
Badenoch, Andrea
Bagley, Desmond
Bagley, Michael
Bagshawe, Tilly
Bailey, Elizabeth
Bailey, H.C.
Bailey, Michèle
Bailey, RJ
Bainbridge, Anne
Bainbridge, John
Baines, Shaun
Baird, John
Baker, Frank
Baker, Ivon
Baker, John
Baker, Keith
Baker, Malcolm John (Lord Malcolm John Baker)
Baker, Martin
Baker, Sam
Baker, W. Howard
Balchin, Nigel
Baldwin, Jackie
Bale, Tom
Ballantyne, Jim
Ballantyne, Lisa
Banks, Carla
Banks, Ray
Banner, Hubert Stewart
Bannister, Jo
Barclay, Tessa
Barker, Robert F.
Barker, RonaldS
Barlow, Autumn
Barlow, James
Barnard, Robert
Barnes, Kerry
Barnes, Trevor
Barnett, A.G.
Barnett, Glyn
Barnett, James
Baron, Adam
Barr, Amelia Edith
Barr, Robert (1)
Barr, Robert (2)
Barrett, Alfred Wilson
Barrett, Andrew
Barrett, Frank
Barrett, Michael
Barrington, James
Barry, Charles
Barstow, Phyllida
Barton, Fiona
Bartlett, E.G.
Bartley, D.A.
Barton, Jon
Barwick, James
Bastable, Bernard
Batchelor, Denzil
Bateman, Colin
Bateman, E.C.
Bates, Quentin
Battison, Brian
Bauer, Belinda
Bawden, Nina
Bax, Roger
Bayfield, William J.
Bayne, Isabella (Isabella Bayne-Powell)
Beard, Jacqueline
Beard, Susanna
Beardmore, George
Beaton, M.C.
Beaufort, Simon
Beck, Haylen
Becker, James
Beckett, Simon
Beckham, Bruce updated (26 Jan)
Beckler, David
Bedford, Carrie
Beechey, Alan
Beeding, Francis
Beevis, Keri
Belbin, David
Bell, Holly
Bell, J.J.
Bell, Josephine
Bell, Leslie
Bell, Natasha
Bell, Pauline
Bell, Vicars
Bellairs, George
Belloc Lowndes, Mrs
Belton, Christopher
Benedict, Alexandra (A.K. Benedict)
Benedictus, David
Benn, Tom
Bennett, Gwyn (Gwyn GB)
Bennett, Margot
Bennett, Paul
Bennett, Ronan
Bennett, S.J.
Benson, Clara
Bentley, E.C.
Bentley, John
Bentley, Nicolas
Bentley, R.A. updated (22 Dec)
Benton, Jack
Benton, Kenneth
Beresford, J.D.
Beresford, Leslie
Berkeley, Anthony
Bernard, Jay
Berry, Stella
Beste, R. Vernon
Bettany, Jane
Bidston, Lester
Bilal, Parker
Billingham, Mark
Bingham, Harry
Bingham, John
Binyon, T.J.
Birch, Alistair
Birkby, Michelle
Birmingham, Maisie
Black, Campbell
Black, Gavin
Black, Ian Stuart
Black, Ingrid
Black, Ladbroke
Black, Lionel
Black, Laura
Black, Mansell
Black, Nicky
Black, Saul
Black, Tony
Black, Veronica
Blackburn, John
Blackhurst, Jenny
Blackledge, W.J.
Blackstock, Charity
Blackstock, Lee
Blackthorn, Isobel
Blackwood, Alan
Blackwood, Algernon
Blackwood, Caroline
Blair, Allan
Blake, Daniel
Blake, David
Blake, Margaret
Blake, Nicholas
Blake, Nick
Blake, Patrick
Blake, Robin
Blake, Stacey
Blake, Victoria
Blaker, Richard
Blincoe, Nicholas
Bloodworth, Dennis
Blundy, Anna
Boast, Philip
Bobin, John William
Boland, Peter
Boland, Shalini
Bolitho, Janie
Bolton, EM
Bolton, Guy
Bolton, Melvin
Bolton, Sharon (S.J. Bolton)
Bond, Michael
Bonett, Emery
Bonett, John
Bonett, John and Emery
Bonfiglioli, Kyril
Bonner, Hilary
Booth, Martin
Booth, Stephen
Bose, Mick
Boston, S.T.
Bourne, Peter
Bourne, Sam
Bowen, John (1)
Bowen, John (2)
Bowen, Rhys
Bowers, Dorothy
Bowie, John
Bowker, David
Bowman, Gerald
Boyce, Lucienne
Boyd, Damien
Boyd, William
Boyle, C. Nina
Boyle, Josephine
Brabazon, James
Brack, Graham
Brackston, P.J.
Bradbury, Peter C.
Bradby, Tom
Braddon, George
Braddon, M.E.
Bradford, Michael
Bradley, Kevin
Bradley, Rebecca
Bradwell, David
Brady, Nicholas
Bramah, Ernest
Branch, Pamela
Brand, Christianna
Brandon, Ruth
Brandreth, Benet
Brandreth, Gyles
Branston, Frank
Brassett, Pete
Brearley, John
Brenchley, Chaz
Brenning, L.H.
Brent, A.D.
Brent, Madeleine
Brett, Harry
Brett, John Michael (Michael Brett)
Brett, Simon
Bridges, T.C.
Bridges, Victor
Bridgman, Geraldine
Briggs, J.C.
Bright, Verity updated (26 Jan)
Brinton, Henry
Brittany, Amanda (A.J. Brittany)
Brittney, Lynn
Britton, Andrew
Britton, Danica
Broadbent, Tony
Broadribb, Steph
Brock, Alan
Brodie-Innes, John William
Brodrick, William
Brody, Frances
Brolly, Matt
Brome, Vincent
Bromley, Gordon
Brooke, Issy
Brooke, S.J.
Brookes, Adam
Brookes, Chris
Brookes, Dawn
Brookmyre, Christopher (Chris Brookmyre)
Brooks, Edwy Searles
Brooks, Leonard Harold
Brooks, Lilac
Brown, Benedict
Brown, Carter
Brown, Eric
Brown, George
Brown, Hosanna
Brown, Lizbie
Brown, P.S.
Browne, Barum
Browne, Douglas G.
Browne, Sheryl
Browning, Sterry
Bruce, Alison
Bruce, Leo
Brunner, John
Bryce, Mrs. Charles
Bryndza, Robert
Buchan, John
Buchanan, Tracy
Buckland, Raymond
Buckley, Fiona
Bude, John
Bumpus, Doris Marjorie
Burden, Pat
Burdett, John
Burgess, Eric
Burke, Richard
Burke, Thomas
Burleigh, Hilary
Burley, W.J.
Burnaby, Nigel
Burnell, Mark
Burnell, Sam
Burnet, Graeme Macrae
Burrage, A.M.
Burrage, E. Harcourt
Burt, Michael
Burton, Anne
Burton, Miles
Busby, Roger
Busby, Siân
Bush, Christopher
Butler, D.S.
Butler, Gwendoline
Butler, K.R.
Butler, Richard
Butler, William Vivian
Butterworth, Michael
Byrom, James
Caan, Alex
Cadbury, Helen
Cade, Robin
Cadell, Elizabeth
Cadett, Herbert
Caird, Janet
Callaghan, Helen
Callas, Theo
Callison, Brian
Calvin, Henry
Cameron, Graeme
Cameron, Iain
Cameron, John
Cameron, Sean
Campbell, AJ
Campbell, Colin
Campbell, Colin (Douglas Christie)
Campbell, Jeffrey
Campbell, Karen
Campbell, R.T.
Campbell, Sean and Daniel
Campbell, T.G.
Candlish, Louise
Cane, Bevis
Cannan, Joanna
Cannell, Dorothy
Canning, Victor
Cape, Tony
Capes, Bernard
Carey, Mike (M.R. Carey)
Cargill, Leslie
Carlton, Lewis
Carmichael, Harry
Carnac, Carol
Carol, James (J.S. Carol)
Carr, Cameron
Carr, Glyn
Carr, Jolyon
Carr, Philippa
Carré, John le
Carrick, John
Carrington, Ruth
Carrington, Sam
Carson, John
Carter, David
Carter, J.P.
Carter, M.J.
Carter, Solomon
Cartmel, Andrew
Cartmell, Wendy
Cartwright, Jack updated (26 Jan)
Cartwright, Justin
Carver, Alex R.
Carver, Tania
Casey, Nuala
Casey, Ryan
Cassells, John
Cassidy, Angela
Cassidy, Anne
Castle, Alice (A.M. Castle)
Cato, Joyce
Caudwell, Sarah
Cavanagh, Steve
Cave, Peter
Cecil, Henry
Chafer, Camilla
Challis, Mary
Challis, Simon
Chambers, Kimberley
Chambers, Peter
Chambers, Philip
Chance, John Newton
Chance, Rebecca
Chandler, Glenn
Chandler, HS
Chaplin, Elizabeth
Charles, Hampton
Charles, Paul
Charles, Robert
Charlton, John
Charlton, Karen
Charteris, Leslie
Charters, Charlie
Chase, Adam
Chase, Clare updated (26 Jan)
Chase, James Hadley
Chatterton, E. Keble
Cheetham, Ben
Chester, Fliss
Chester, Gilbert
Chester, Peter
Chester, Roy
Chesterton, G.K.
Cheyney, Peter
Child, Andrew
Child, Charles B.
Child, Lee
Chisholm P.F.
Chittenden, Margaret (Meg Chittenden)
Chowdhury, Ajay
Christer, Sam
Christie, Agatha
Christie, Douglas
Christie, Steve
Church, Ed
Churston, B.D.
Clandon, Henrietta
Clapperton, Richard
Clare, Alys
Claridge, Marten
Clark, Cassandra
Clark, Douglas
Clark, Eric
Clarke, Angela
Clarke, Anna
Clarke, Lucy
Clarke, T.E.B.
Clayton, Mary
Cleeve, Brian
Cleeves, Ann
Clement, Frank A.
Clements, E.H.
Clements, Rory
Clevely, Hugh
Cleverly, Barbara
Clifford, Francis
Clifford, V.
Clinton-Baddeley, V.C.
Clynes, Michael
Cobb, Belton
Cobb, Thomas
Cobban, J. MacLaren
Cobden, Guy
Cockburn, Tormod
Cockin, Joan
Cocking, Ronald
Cockton, Henry
Cody, Liza
Coe, Jonathan
Coetzee, Amanda
Coffyn, Cornelius
Coggin, Joan
Cohen, Anthea
Cohen, Janet
Cohen, Tammy
Cole, Daniel
Cole, G.D.H. and Margaret
Cole, Julian
Cole, Karen
Cole, M.G.
Cole, Martina
Coles, Catherine
Coles, Linda
Coles, Manning
Collee, John
Collenette, Donald
Collett, Chris
Collier, Richard
Collins, Norman
Collins, Tana
Collins, Wilkie
Comley, M.A. updated (26 Jan)
Condé, Phillip
Connel, Elle
Connington, J.J.
Connolly, Ray
Connor, Alex
Connor, John
Conway, Hugh
Conway, Peter (George Alexis Bankoff)
Conway, Peter (Peter Claudius Gautier-Smith)
Cook, Bob
Cook, Judith
Cook, Lennox
Cook, Nick
Cook, Robin
Cook, Stephen
Cook, W. Victor
Cooke, C.J.
Cooke, M.E.
Cookman, Lesley
Cooper, Brian
Cooper, Edmund
Cooper, Lettice
Cooper, Matthew Heald
Cooper, Natasha (N.J. Cooper)
Copper, Basil
Copperthwaite, Barbara
Coram, Christopher
Corbin, Julie
Cordell, Alexander
Cordy, Michael
Corley, Elizabeth
Cornwell, Bernard
Corry, Jane
Cory, Desmond
Cotterill, Colin
Courage, John
Cousins, E.G.
Coward, Mat
Cowdroy, Joan A.
Cowen, Frances
Cox, A.B.
Cox, Helen
Cox, Michael
Cox, Sir Edmund C.
Craig, David
Craig, James
Craig, Peter
Craig, Thurlow
Crane, Hamilton
Crankshaw, Edward
Craven, M.W. (Mike Craven)
Crawford, Dean
Crawford, Robert
Creasey, John
Creed, Adam
Creed, John
Crispin, Edmund
Croft, Adam
Croft, Kathryn
Croft-Cooke, Rupert
Crofts, Freeman Wills
Crompton, Richard
Cross, A.J.
Cross, Jake
Cross, Mason (M.J. Cross)
Crossley, Maude
Crowe, Logan
Crowther, Bruce
Cullingford, Guy
Cullum, Ridgwell
Culpan, Maurice
Cumberland, Marten
Cumming, Charles
Cummins, Fiona
Curtis, Emma
Curtis, Jack
Curtis, Peter
Curzon, Clare
Curzon, Colin
Cushing, Paul
Cutler, Judith
Cutts, Lisa
Dacre, Richard
Dale, Celia
Dalgliesh, J.M.
Dallas, John
Dallas, Paul
Dalman, Max
Dalton, Annie and Maria
Dalton, Moray
Daly, Paula
Dane, Clemence
Dane, Mary
Daniel, Glyn
Daniel, Mark
Daniel, Roland
Daniels, Jessie
Daniels, Philip
Danks, Denise
Danvers, Milton
Darrell, Elizabeth
Davenport, Bea
Davidson, Lionel
Davies, A.D. (Antony Davies)
Davies, David Stuart
Davies, Emma
Davies, Freda
Davies, Frederick
Davies, Linda
Davies, Martin
Davies, Michelle
Davies, Oliver
Daviot, Gordon
Davis, Carol Anne
Davis, Howard Charles
Davis, Lindsey
Davis, Stratford
Davison, Anita
Davison, Geoffrey
Dawson, Lucy
Dawson, Mark
Dax, Anthony
Daykin, Judi
Dayle, Joseph M.
Dean, Abigail
Dean, Anna
Dean, Jason
Dean, John
Dean, Will
Deane, Norman
Dearman, Lara
Deas, S.J.
Deegan, James
Deighton, Len
Delahaye, Michael
Delaney, J.P.
Delaney, Luke
Denby, Joolz
Denham, Bertie
Dennison, Hannah
Denvil, Barbara Gaskell
Denzil, Sarah A.
Derby, Mark
Dering, Joan
Despard, Noel
Devine, D.M.
Devon, Nicola
Dewar, Evelyn
Dewdney, Peter
Dewes, Simon
Dewhurst, Eileen
Dewhurst, Keith
Dexter, Colin
Dial, Joan
Diamond, Katerina
Diamond, Sarah
Dibdin, Michael
Dickinson, David
Dickinson, Peter
Diehl, Alice M.
Dilnot, George
Dingwall, Peter
Ditton, James
Dix, Maurice B.
Dixon, Helena updated (22 Dec)
Dixon, Keith
Dixon, Patricia
Dobbs, Michael
Dobson, William
Docherty, James L.
Doherty, Paul updated (26 Jan)
Dolan, Eva
Dolphin, Rex
Domatilla, John
Donald, Anabel
Donald, Dominick
Donald, Miles
Donavan, John
Doncaster, Patrick
Donoghue, Clare
Donovan, Dick
Donovan, J.B.
Dorrington, Albert
Doughty, Louise
Douglas, Arthur (Douglas Arthur Moreton)
Douglas, Arthur (Gerald Hammond)
Douglas, Claire
Douglas-Home, Mark
Dowling, Gregory
Downie, R.S. (Ruth Downie)
Downing, David
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Drake, H.B. (Burgess Drake)
Drake, Maurice
Drake, Nick
Drax, Peter
Dresden, Thomas
Drew, Sidney
Driscoll, Peter
Driscoll, Teresa
Dronfield, Jeremy
Drummond, Anthony
Drummond, Ivor
Drummond, Jack
Drummond, John
Dryden, Alex
Dudley, Ernest
Duffy, Margaret
Duffy, Maureen
Duffy, Stella
Duke, Winifred
Dukthas, Ann
Dunant, Peter
Dunant, Sarah
Duncan, Francis
Duncan, Rod
Duncan, W. Murdoch
Duncker, Patricia
Dunford, Caroline (C.J. Dunford)
Dunmore, Helen
Dunn, Alan
Dunn, Carola
Dunn, Detective
Dunn, J. Allan
Dunn, Matthew
Dunnett, Dorothy
Duns, Jeremy
Dunsany, Lord
Durbridge, Francis
Durham, Mary
Durie, Lynn
Durrant, Helen H.
Durrant, Sabine
Dvorkin, David
Dyer, Ashley
Dylan, Rhys updated (24 Nov)
East, Philippa
Easterman, Daniel
Eastwood, James
Eccles, Marjorie
Eddy, Paul
Edgar, Alfred
Edger, Stephen
Edmonds, Harry
Edmondson, Elizabeth
Edric, Robert
Edwards, Mark
Edwards, Martin
Edwards, SP
Edwards, Walter
Egerton, Denise
Egleton, Clive
Eglin, Anthony
Elder, Evelyn
Eldridge, Jim updated (22 Dec)
Elgar, Emily
Ellinger, Geoffrey
Elliot, Jason
Elliot, Lance
Ellis, Emmy updated (26 Jan)
Ellis, J.R.
Ellis, Joy
Ellis, Kate
Ellis, Ron
Ellory, R.J.
Ellwood, Nuala
Elton, Ben
Endicott, Stephen
Entwistle, Vaughn
Escott, Jonathan
Etchells, Olive
Evans, David
Evans, Geraldine
Evans, Gwyn
Evans, Jonathan
Evans, Liz
Evans, Maz
Evans, Penelope
Everton, Francis
Evesham, Frances
Ewan, Chris (C.M. Ewan)
Eyles, Alfred W.
Eyles, Leonora
Eyre, Elizabeth
Fairfax, John
Fairfax, Simon
Fairlie, Gerard
Fairway, Sidney
Falconer, Duncan
Falkirk, Richard
Fallon, Martin
Fargus, F.J.
Farjeon, J. Jefferson
Farmer, Bernard J.
Farmer, D.C.
Farrar, M.K.
Farren, Mick
Farrer, Katharine
Faulkner, B.L.
Fawcett, F. Dubrez
Fawcett, Quinn
Featherstone, Ann
Febry, Diana J.
Felix, Charles
Fellowes, Jessica
Fennell, David (J.D. Fennell)
Fennerton, William
Ferguson, Frances
Ferguson, John
Ferrars, Elizabeth
Ferris, Gordon
Ferris, Tom
Fforde, Jasper
Fields, Helen
Finch, Matthew
Finch, Paul
Finlay, Mick
Finney, Keith
Finney, Patricia
Finnis, Jane
Fitt, Mary
Fitzgerald, Conor
Fitzgerald, Penelope
Flanders, Judith
Fleming, Ian
Fleming, Joan
Fleming, Oliver
Fletcher, H.L.V.
Fletcher, J.S.
Fletcher, Martin
Flint, Emma
Flint, Sarah
Flower, Pat
Flynn, Brian
Flynn, Raymond
Foley, Lucy
Follett, James
Follett, Ken
Forbes, Bryan
Forbes, Colin
Forbes, Daniel
Forbes, Elena
Ford, Elbur
Ford, M.J.
Forder, Tony J.
Fores, John
Forester, C.S.
Forrest, Norman
Forrester, Andrew
Forrester, Larry
Forsyte, Charles
Forsyth, Frederick
Forsythe, Malcolm
Forsythe, Robin
Foster, Melvin
Foster, Michael K.
Foster, R. Francis
Fowler, Christopher
Fowler, Mark L.
Fowler, Sydney
Fowles, Anthony
Foxall, Raymond
Fraine, A.L.
Frances, Michelle
Francis, Basil
Francis, Clare
Francis, Dick
Francis, Felix
Francis, Richard H.
Francome, John
Frankland, Edward
Franklin, Ariana
Fraser, Alex
Fraser, Anthea
Fraser, Antonia
Fraser, David
Fraser, James
Fraser, Sara
Fraser, Stuart
Fraser-Sampson, Guy
Frazer, Robert Caine
Frear, Caz
Freedland, Jonathan
Freeling, Nicolas
Freeman, Kathleen
Freeman, R. Austin
Freemantle, Brian
Fremantle, Elizabeth
Fremlin, Celia
French, Nicci
French, Roy
Frewin, Anthony
Froest, Frank
Frost, Antonia
Frost, C. Vernon
Frost, Janice
Fyfield, Frances
Gadney, Reg
Gaines, Robert
Gainham, Sarah
Gair, Malcolm
Gaite, Francis
Galbraith, Gillian
Galbraith, Robert
Gale, John
Gall, Sandy
Gallagher, Charlie
Gallagher, Stephen
Gallie, Menna
Galt, Christopher
Galton, John
Gano, John
Gapper, John
Garden, John
Gardner, Frank
Gardner, John
Garforth, John
Garner, William
Garnett, Roger
Garrett, A.D.
Garve, Andrew
Gascoigne, Peter
Gash, Jonathan
Gask, Arthur
Gatward, David J. updated (24 Nov)
Gaunt, Graham
Gerson, Jack
Gibbons, H.H. Clifford
Gibbs, Henry
Gilbert, Anthony
Gilbert, Michael
Gill, Anton
Gill, B.M.
Gill, Elizabeth
Gill, Jay
Gill, Patrick
Girdharry, Ann
Glasby, John
Gleeson, Janet
Glyder, John
Goddard, Norman
Goddard, Robert
Gooden, Philip
Goodfield, June
Goodhind, J.G.
Goodman, E.J.
Goodman, Jonathan
Goodwin, Dawn
Goodwin, Jason
Goody, Heide and Iain Grant
Gordon, Frances
Gordon, Neil
Gordon-Smith, Dolores
Gore-Browne, Robert
Gould, Alan
Gould, Nat
Gower, Martin
Goyne, Richard
Grace, C.L.
Grace, Celina
Grace, Ed
Graeme, Bruce
Graeme, David
Graeme, Roderic
Graham, Caroline
Graham, James
Graham, Neill
Graham, Sean
Graham, Vanessa
Graham, Winifred
Graham, Winston
Grahame, Jon
Grainger, Peter
Granados, Paul
Granger, Ann
Grant, Ambrose
Grant, Andrew
Grant, David
Grant, Elly
Grant, James
Grant, M.C.
Grant, Roderick
Grant-Adamson, Lesley
Gray, Alex
Gray, Berkeley
Gray, Caroline
Gray, Dulcie
Gray, Eleanor
Gray, Jonathan
Gray, Lisa
Grayson, Richard
Greatorex, Wilfred
Green, Cass (C.S. Green)
Green, Christine
Green, James
Green, Linda
Greene, Morgan
Greenfield, George
Greenwood, D.M.
Greenwood, John
Greenwood, Ross
Greenwood, Walter
Gregg, Cecil Freeman
Gregory, Susanna
Gregson, J.M.
Grex, Leo
Grey, Aileen
Grey, Anthony
Grey, Isabelle
Grey, Lindsey
Grey, Louis
Grey, Naidra
Grey, Patricia
Grey, S.L.
Grey, Scarlet
Gribble, Leonard
Grierson, Edward
Grierson, Francis D.
Griffin, Aceituna
Griffin, Kate
Griffith, George
Griffith, Nicola
Griffiths, Elly
Grindal, Richard
Grisewood, Harman
Grist, Michael John (Mike Grist)
Gulvin, Jeff
Gunn, Alastair
Gunn, Victor
Guthrie, Allan
Gutteridge, Lindsay
Guttridge, Peter
Hackforth-Jones, Gilbert
Haddon, Christopher
Haggard, William
Haig, Alec
Haldane, Seán
Hall, Adam
Hall, Angus
Hall, Emylia updated (22 Dec)
Hall, Gregory
Hall, J.M.
Hall, Jenni
Hall, M.R. (Matthew Hall)
Hall, Patricia
Hall, Tarquin
Hallett, Janice
Halliday, G.R.
Halliday, Michael
Halsall, Rona
Hambling, Michael
Hamdy, Adam
Hamer, Kate
Hames, Joel
Hamilton, Elaine
Hamilton, Karen
Hamilton, Sylvian
Hammersley, Heleyne
Hammond, Gerald
Hammond, Marc
Hampson, June
Hampton, Alexandra
Hancock, Penny
Handley, Susan
Hanley, Clifford
Hannah, Mari
Hannah, Sophie
Hansen, Vern
Hanson, V.J.
Harcourt, Palma
Harding, Paul
Hardinge, Rex
Hardwick, Michael
Hardwick, Mollie
Hardy, A.S.
Hardy, Ronald
Hare, Cyril
Harkaway, Nick
Harknett, Terry
Harling, Robert
Harman, Jane
Harmon, Paula updated (22 Dec)
Harper, Izzie updated (22 Dec)
Harper, Tom
Harpur, Patrick
Harris, Joanne
Harris, John
Harris, Oliver
Harris, Robert
Harris, Tessa
Harrison, David
Harrison, E.J.
Harrison, Edwin
Harrison, Ray
Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia
Hart, Andrea
Hart, I.R.G.
Hart, Jon
Hart, Roy
Hart-Davis, D.P.
Hart-Davis, Duff
Harte, E.V.
Hartland, Michael
Hartley, Lisa
Hartley, Norman
Hartmann, Michael
Harvester, Simon
Harvey, Jack
Harvey, John
Harvey, Samantha
Harwood, Ronald
Haslam, Chris
Haslette, John
Hastings, Graham
Hastings, Michael
Hastings, Phyllis
Hastings, Roderic
Hathaway, L.B.
Hawke, Richard
Hawke, Spencer
Hawkins, Alis
Hawkins, James
Hawkins, Paula
Hay, Mavis Doriel
Hayder, Mo
Hayes, Christian
Hayes, Samantha
Haymon, S.T.
Haynes, Annie
Haynes, Elizabeth
Hayter, Cecil
Haythorne, John
Headley, Victor
Heald, Tim
Hebden, Mark
Hebden, Juliet
Heberden, M.V.
Hedgecock, Liz
Hedges, Joseph
Hedges, Sid G.
Hegarty, Frances
Heley, Veronica
Heller, Mandasue
Helton, Peter
Henderson, Donald
Henderson, Lauren
Hendy, Hannah
Henry, James
Henty, G.A.
Hepworth, Christopher
Herbert, James
Herron, Mick
Herron, Shaun
Hervey, Evelyn
Hewson, David
Hext, Harrington
Heyer, Georgette
Hichens, Paul
Hichens, Robert
Higgins, Jack
Higgs, Steve updated (26 Jan)
Hilary, Sarah
Hildick, Wallace
Hill, Harry Gregory
Hill, Reginald
Hill, Susan
Hilton, John Buxton
Hilton, Matt
Hincks, C. Malcolm
Hinde, Thomas
Hines, Joanna
Hobson, Polly
Hockaby, Stephen
Hocking, Anne
Hodemart, Peter
Hodge, Sibel
Hodges, David
Hogarth, Charles
Holden, Dalby
Holland, James
Hollin, Nick
Hollingdrake, Malcolm
Hollis, Jennifer R.
Holme, Timothy
Holmes, Rupert
Holms, Joyce
Holt, Hazel
Holt, Jonathan
Holt, Victoria
Holt-White, W.
Home, Michael
Home-Gall, William Benjamin
Honeycombe, Gordon
Hood, D.K.
Hood, Stephen
Hope, Brian
Hope, Fielding
Hope, Stanton
Hopkins, Kenneth
Horler, Sydney
Hornby, John Wilkinson
Horne, Geoffrey
Hornung, E.W.
Horowitz, Anthony
Horton, Lesley
Hosken, Clifford
Hough, S.B.
Household, Geoffrey
Houston, R.B.
Howard, Blair
Howard, Hartley
Howard, Leigh
Howe, Hannah
Howell, Lis
Hubbard, P.M.
Hudson, Christopher
Hudson, Eva
Hudson, Harriet
Hughes, Colin
Hughes, Egan
Hull, Richard
Hulland, J.R.
Hume, David
Hume, Fergus
Humphreys, C.C.
Hunt, Charlotte
Hunt, James Patrick
Hunt, Kyle
Hunt, Violet
Hunter, Alan
Hunter, Cara
Hunter, John
Hunter, P. Hay
Hunter, Scott
Hunter, T.H.
Huntingdon, Harry
Hurley, Andrew Michael
Hurley, Graham
Hutchins, R.A.
Hutson, Shaun
Hutton, Ewart
Hutton, John
Huxley, Elspeth
Iles, Francis
Inchbald, Ralph
Innes, Hammond
Innes, Michael
Ironside, Elizabeth
Isaac, Jane
Isherwood, Eve
Islay, Nicholas
Jacks, Oliver
Jackson, Gillian
Jackson, James (James H. Jackson)
Jackson, Lee
Jackson, Lewis
Jackson, Robert
Jakeman, Jane
Jakeman, Jo
James, Alison
James, Bill
James, Dan
James, Donald
James, Ed
James, Evelyn
James, Heidi
James, P.D.
James, Peter
James, Russell
Jameson, Hanna
Jameson, Storm
Jane, Fred T.
Janes, Diane
Jansson, Robert
Jardine, Quintin
Jardine, Warwick
Jarvie, Clodagh Gibson
Jecks, Michael
Jefferies, Ian
Jeffries, Roderic
Jefkins, Frank
Jenkins, Elizabeth
Jenkins, Herbert
Jenkins, Rebecca
Jenkins, Robin
Jenkins, Victoria
Jenks, George C.
Jenner, Simon
Jennings, Luke
Jensen, Liz
Jensen, Louise
Jepson, Edgar
Jepson, Selwyn
Jerrold, Ianthe
Jesse, F. Tennyson>
Jewell, Lisa
John, D.B. (David John)
John, Katherine (K.A. John)
Johnson, Matt
Johnson, Stanley
Johnston, Paul
Johnstone, Doug
Jolowicz, Philip
Jones, Chris Morgan
Jones, Conrad
Jones, Dylan
Jones, Dylan H.
Jones, H. Llewellin
Jones, John Tallon
Jones, Kelvin I.
Jones, R.W.
Jones, Sebastian
Jones, Susanna
Jones, Tobias
Jordan, David
Joseph, Alison
Joss, Morag
Joyce, Cyril
Judd, Alan
Kalies, Byron
Kanaris, Leo
Kane, Jonathan
Kara, Lesley
Kartun, Derek
Kasasian, M.R.C.
Kasey, Tom
Kavanagh, Dan
Kaye, H.B.
Kaye, M.M.
Keane, Jessie
Keate, E.M.
Keating, H.R.F.
Keegan, Alex
Kelleher, Casey
Kellow, Kathleen
Kelly, Erin
Kelly, Jim
Kelly, Mary
Kelly, Patrick
Kelly, Susan B.
Kemp, Sarah
Kendal, Claire
Kendall, Ralph S.
Kennedy, Milward
Kennedy, Robert Milward
Kent, Arthur
Kent, Christobel
Kent, Graeme (G.W. Kent)
Kent, Katherine
Kenyon, Michael
Kent, Rebecca
Keppel, Charlotte
Kernahan, Coulson
Kernahan, Mrs. Coulson
Kernick, Simon
Kerr, Philip
Kershaw, Valerie
Keverne, Richard
Khan, Vaseem
Kidd, Jess
Kilcommons, Denis
Kilmeny Keith, J.
Kilpatrick, Florence
King, Iain
King, Peter
Kingdom, Mariah
Kingdom, Will
Kingsbury, Kate
Kingsley, Allison
Kinnings, Max
Kinsey, T.E.
Kinsley, Erin
Kirby, Peter
Kirk, JD
Kirk, Michael
Kirton, Bill
Kirton, James
Kitchin, C.H.B.
Kitson, Bill
Knight, Alanna
Knight, Bernard
Knight, Leonard A.
Knight, Renée
Knight, Stephen
Knowler, John
Knowles, Mike
Knox, Bill
Knox, Joseph
Knox, Ronald A.
Knox, Tom
Kovach, Carla
Kray, Roberta
Krier, L.M.
Kyle, Duncan
Lacey, Peter
Lacey, Sarah
Ladline, Robert
Lake, Alex
Lake, Deryn
Lamb, Lynton
Lambert, Derek
Lancaster, Neil
Landels, D.H.
Landon, Christopher
Landon, Hilary
Lang, Anthony
Lange, Louisa de
Larbalestier, P.G.
Larkin, Gillian
Larrabeiti, Michael de
Lasdun, James
Latus, Dan
Laurence, Janet
Lawrence, David
Lawrence, Paul
Lawton, John
Layton, Clare
Leach, Christopher
Leach, Douglas
Leader, Charles
Lean, Frank
Lear, Peter
Leasor, James
Leather, Edwin
Leather, Stephen
LeBor, Adam
Lee, Christopher
Lee, M.J.
Lee, Steve N.
Leek, Margaret
Lees, Dan
Leese, Michael
Lehmann, R.C.
Leigh, James
Lejeune, Anthony
Lelic, Simon
Lemarchand, Elizabeth
Lennox, Terry
Leonard, Charles L.
Lester, Martin
Levack, Simon
Levene, Philip
Levi, Peter
Levison, Iain
Lewis, H.H.
Lewis, Hilda
Lewis, Jack
Lewis, Jonathan
Lewis, Kevin
Lewis, Michael
Lewis, Robert
Lewis, Roy
Lewis, Roy Harley
Lewis, Susan
Lewis, Ted
Lincoln, John
Lindsay, David T.
Lindsay, Douglas
Lindsay, Frederic
Linscott, Gillian
Linskey, Howard
Lipska, Anya
Littlewood, Amelia
Livingston, Nancy
Llewellyn, Sam
Lloyd, Catherine
Lloyd, Frances
Lock, Joan
Locke, G.E.
Locke, Martin
Locke, W.J.
Lockhart, John G.
Lockwood, Nigel
Loder, Vernon
Lodge, Gytha
Lodwick, John
Lofts, Norah
Logan, T.M.
Long, Harman
Long, Patrick
Longrigg, Roger
Lorac, E.C.R.
Lorraine, Kitty
Lotz, Sarah
Louth, Nick
Lovegrove, James
Lovesey, Peter
Lovesey, Phil
Lowden, Desmond
Lowe, Andrew
Lowe, Sheila updated (24 Nov)
Lowing, Anne
Luard, Nicholas
Luke, Thomas
Lupton, Rosamund
Lustgarten, Edgar
Lyall, Francis
Lyall, Gavin
Lyle, H.B.
Lymington, John
Lynch, Patrick
Lynch, R.J.
Lynch, Rachel
Lyndon, Adam
Lynes, S.E.
Lynk, Warder
Lynn, Margaret
Lynne, James Broom
Lyons, David
Lyons, Tara
MacAlan, Peter
MacAllan, Andrew
Macallan, Ben
MacArthur, D. Wilson
MacBeth, George
MacBride, Stuart
MacClure, Victor
MacDonald, Dee
MacDonald, Philip
Macdonell, A.G.
MacDowell, John
Mace, David
MacGregor, M.
MacInnes, Helen
Mackay, Malcolm
Macken, John
Mackenzie, M.R.
Mackenzie, Scobie
Mackenzie, W.A.
MacKinnon, Allan
Mackintosh, Clare
MacLean, Alistair
MacLean, Shona (Maclean, S.G.)
MacLeod, Robert
MacLeod, Torquil
Macmillan, Gilly
Maconechy, J.
MacRae, K.L.
Madison, Rex
Madley, Thom
Madocks, Rod
Magarshack, David
Magson, Adrian
Mahmood, Imran
Mahony, Carolyn
Mais, S.P.B.
Maitland, Barry
Maitland, Karen
Malcolm, John
Mallet, Lyndon
Malloch, Peter
Mangos, Louise
Mann, Abel
Mann, James
Mann, Jessica
Manton, Peter
March, Hannah
March, Maxwell
Marchmont, Helena
Mariani, Scott
Mark, David (D.M. Mark, D.L. Mark)
Markin, Wes
Marland, Stephanie
Marlow, Max
Marlowe, Hugh
Marple, Mona
Marquis, Max
Marric, J.J.
Marrs, John
Marsden, Antony
Marsh, Jean
Marsh, JJ
Marshall, Laura
Marshall, Lovat
Marshall, Michael
Marshall, Raymond
Marsons, Angela
Marston, Edward
Martin, Allan
Martin, Andrew
Martin, David Ralph
Martin, Faith
Martin, Ian Kennedy
Martin, Lee
Martin, Richard
Martin, Troy Kennedy
Martin, Wilkie
Martyn, Ian
Maslen, Andy
Mason, A.E.W.
Mason, Jay
Mason, Sarah J.
Massey, Sujata
Masson, K.A.
Masterman, J.C.
Masterman, Margaret
Masterman, Walter S.
Masters, Priscilla
Masterton, Graham
Matheson, Nadine
Mathews, Adrian
Mattheson, Rodney
Matthews, Anthony
Maxwell, Allan
Maxwell, John
Maxwell, Peter
May, Peter
Mayhew, J.E.
Mayle, Peter
Mayo, J.K.
McAllister, Gillian
McBeath, VL
McCall, Vincent
McCallin, Luke
McCarthy, Keith
McCathie, Pippa
McCleave, Simon
McClure, James
McCoy, Edmund
McCrery, Nigel
McCrum, Robert
McDermid, Val (V.L. McDermid)
McDermott, Alan
McDermott, Andy
McDine, A.J.
McDonald, Chris
McDowall, Iain
McEvoy, Lesley
McEwan, Lynne
McGee, James
McGill, Gordon
McGilloway, Brian
McGown, Jill
McGrath, Patrick
McGuire, Patrick O.
McIlvanney, William
McIntosh, Pat
McKay, Shirley
McKellar, Sinclair
McKenzie, Grant
McKinty, Adrian
McLean, Rachel
McNab, Andy
McNamee, Eoin
McNeil, John
McNeil, Robert
McNeill, Fergus
McNeill, Robert (Robert B. McNeill)
McParkes, Jane
McPherson, Catriona
McVean, James
Meadows, Alice Maud
Medhat, Michelle
Meldrum, James
Melville, Alan
Melville, James
Melville, Jennie
Melville-Ross, Antony
Menon, David
Merak, A.J.
Meredith, Anne
Meriton, Peter
Merrick, Leonard
Merriman, Pat
Merritt, Chris
Merritt, Stephanie
Messer, Mona
Meyrick, Denzil (D.A. Meyrick)
Meyrick, Gordon
Miles, Keith
Milk, Martin
Millar, Louise
Millar, Sam
Mills, Arthur
Mills, Jenni
Mills, Jon
Mills, Mark updated (22 Dec)
Milne, A.A.
Milne, John
Milner, George
Mina, Denise
Minett, G.J.
Mistry, Liz
Mitchell, Adrian
Mitchell, Caroline
Mitchell, D.M.
Mitchell, Dreda Say
Mitchell, Edmund
Mitchell, Gladys
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Kay
Mitchell, Sarah
Mogford, Thomas
Moloney, Catherine
Moncrieff, Ada
Monro, Gavin
Monroe, Aly
Monroe, Grace
Monroe, J.S.
Montague, Jeffrey
Moody, Susan
Moor, Jessica
Moore, Gerald
Moray, Keith
Morfoot, Peter
Morgan, Fidelis
Morgan, Philippa
Morice, Anne
Morland, Dick
Morley, Michael
Morris, J.M.
Morris, M.S. updated (26 Jan)
Morris, Mark
Morris, R.A.V.
Morris, R.N. (Roger Morris)
Morris, T.B.
Morris, Vera
Morrison, Arthur
Morrison, Hugh
Morson, Ian
Mortain, James D.
Morton, Anthony
Mosby, Steve
Mountain, Fiona
Mowbray, John
Muir, Dexter
Muir, T.F.
Muir, Thomas
Mukherjee, Abir
Mullin, Chris
Mulrooney, Gretta
Mundy, Elizabeth
Mundy, Max
Munro, James
Murphy, Denver
Murphy, Margaret
Murphy, Peter
Murray, Andrew
Murray, David Christie
Murray, Edgar Joyce
Murray, Jack
Myers, Amy
Myles, Simon
Nabarro, Derrick
Nabb, Magdalen
Nadal, Jay
Nadel, Barbara
Napier, Bill
Naughton, Sarah J.
Neale, Rosie
Neale, Tom
Neel, Janet
Neely, J.S.
Neil, Joanna
Neville, Robert
Neville, Stuart
New, J.
Newbound, Netta
Newman, Ruth
Newham, Vicky
Nicholls, Adam
Nickson, Chris
Nicolas, F.R.E.
Nicole, Christopher
Nixon, Keith
North, Alex
North, Gil
North, Howard
North, Jack
Oakley, Dani
O'Brien, Martin
Ockley, Martha
O'Donnell, Peter
O'Hara, Kevin
O'Hare, Brian
Oldfield, Mark
Oldham, Nick
Oliver, Anthony
Oppenheim, E. Phillips
Organ, Emily updated (22 Dec)
Ormerod, Roger
Osborne, Ben
Osborne, Mark
Osman, Karen
Osman, Richard
O'Sullivan, Darren
O'Sullivan, Ronnie
Oswald, James
Ould, Chris
Owen, Marjorie
Oxberry, Bee
Page, Emma
Palmer, Frank
Palmer, John
Pargeter, Edith
Paris, B.A.
Parker, Michael
Parker, Richard (Richard Jay Parker and R.J. Parker)
Parker, Steve
Parkes, Roger
Parkman, Sydney M.
Parks, Adele
Parks, Alan
Parks, Tim
Parris, S.J.
Parrish, Frank
Parsons, Anthony
Parsons, Tony
Partridge, Anthony
Parvin, Brian
Passingham, W.J.
Patching, Will
Patis, Vikki
Patterson, Harry
Pattinson, James
Pawson, Stuart
Payn, James
Payne, Laurence
Peace, David
Peace, Jonathan
Peacock, A.M.
Peacock, Caro
Pearce, Charles E.
Pearce, Michael
Pears, Iain
Pearse, Sarah
Peartree, Cecilia
Peck, Winifred
Peel, Colin D.
Pembrey, Daniel
Penketh, Anne
Penn, John
Penney, Stef
Penny, David
Penny, Rupert
Pentelow, John Nix
Pepper, Andrew
Pepper, Frank
Perowne, Barry
Perry, Anne
Perry, Will
Peters, Ellis
Petrie, Rhona
Pewsey, Elizabeth
Phifer, Helen
Phillips, Dennis
Phillips, Mike
Phillips, Stella
Phillpotts, Eden
Picton, Bernard
Pilgrim, David
Pilkington, Paul
Pinborough, Sarah
Pine, Alex
Pine, William
Pirie, David
Pirnie, Amy
Pitman, Jenny
Pitts, Denis
Plampin, Matthew
Plante, Lynda La
Platts, A. Monmouth
Pollard, Tony
Porlock, Martin
Porter, Brian L.
Porter, Henry
Porter, Joyce
Postgate, Raymond
Potter, Jeremy
Poulson, Christine
Prentice, Beth
Price, Anthony
Priestley, Chris
Prior, Allan
Pritchard, Matthew
Probyn, Jack updated (22 Dec)
Procter, Maurice
Proudfoot, Walter
Pryce, Malcolm
Pryor, Mark
Puckett, Andrew
Pugh, Hilary
Puleston, Stephen
Punshon, E.R.
Purser, Ann
Purser, Philip
Purser-Hallard, Philip
Pye, Michael
Pywell, Janet
Quain, Broderick
Quartermain, James
Queux, William Le
Quigley, Sheila
Quinn, James
Quinnel, A.J.
Quinton, Ann
Radcliffe, Ann
Radcliffe, Zane
Radford, E. & M.A.
Radley, Sheila
Rae, Hugh C.
Raine, Richard
Ramsay, Caro
Rankin, Ian
Ransley, Peter
Rathbone, Julian
Rattray, Simon
Raven, Jaime
Raven, James
Ravensworth, Millie
Raymond, Andrew
Raymond, Derek
Raymond, Ernest
Rayne, Sarah
Rayner, Claire
Rayner, Elizabeth
Rayner, Richard
Read, Patrick
Reah, Danuta
Reavley, Betsy
Redfern, John
Redmond, Patrick
Redwood, Alec
Reed, Eliot
Rees, Dilwyn
Rees, Emlyn
Rees, Matt
Rees-Price, Cheryl
Reeve, Alex
Regan, Linda
Reid, Matthew
Rendell, Ruth
Rénin, Paul
Rennick, Robert
Rennie, J. Alan
Rhea, Nicholas
Rhode, Austen
Rhode, John
Rhodes, Kate
Rhodes, Kathlyn
Rhys, Rachel
Ribchester, Lucy
Richardson, Frank
Richardson, K.A.
Richardson, Robert
Rickman, Phil
Ridpath, Michael
Rigby, Sally
Riley, Lucinda
Rimington, Stella
Ripley, Jack
Ripley, Mike
Robbie, Vic
Roberts, Barrie
Roberts, David
Roberts, Nic
Roberts, W. Adolphe
Robertson, Craig
Robertson, Imogen
Robertson, Manning K.
Robinson, B. Fletcher
Robinson, Derek
Robinson, Patrick
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Steve
Rodford, E.G.
Roe, Graeme
Roe, Ivan
Rogers, Bill
Rohmer, Sax
Rolls, Anthony
Ronald, E.B.
Roome, Annette
Rose, Geoffrey
Rose, Jacqui
Rose, M.L.
Ross, Cameron
Ross, Carlton
Ross, Frank
Ross, Jonathan
Ross, L.J.
Ross, Sheila
Rosser, Si
Rossetti, Minerva
Rossiter, John
Rothman, Judith
Roughley, Robin
Rowan, Hester
Rowan, Marie
Rowe, John G.
Rowe, Rosemary
Rowland, John
Rowlands, Betty
Rowlands, Peter
Rowson, Pauline
Roy, Archie
Royce, Kenneth
Royde-Smith, Naomi
Royle, Simon
Rubin, Gareth
Ruell, Patrick
Ruff, Ivan
Ruffle, David
Runcie, James
Russell, Craig
Russell, Eric Frank
Russell, Leigh
Russell, Michael
Rustage, Alan
Rutland, Harriet
Ryan, Chris
Ryan, OMJ
Ryan, Robert
Ryan, R.R.
Ryder, Jess
Ryland, Clive
Saks, Elmer Eliot
Salisbury, Carola
Salisbury, Emma
Salter, Michelle
Sampson, Fay
Sanders, G.D.
Sanders, John
Sanderson, Lesley
Sanderson, Mark
Sansom, C.J.
Sansom, Ian
Sarginson, Saskia
Sarsfield, Maureen
Saunders, Hilary
Saunders, Kate
Saunders, Michael
Sava, George
Savage, Alan
Savage, Richard
Savarin, Julian Jay
Saville, Andrew
Saville, Guy
Sawkins, Raymond
Sayers, Dorothy L.
Scarr, Louisa
Scarrow, Alex
Scott, A.D.
Scott, Ariana
Scott, Jack S.
Scott, Jeremy
Scott, Manda
Scott, Maxwell
Scott, Valerie
Scott, Warwick
Searle, Nicholas
Seaton, Kay
Sebastian, Tim
Sedley, Kate
Seeber, Claire
Sela, Owen
Sellar, Maurice
Sellers, Michael
Selman, Victoria
Selmark, George
Selves, David
Selwyn, Francis
Sennen, Mark
Serafin, David
Sergeant, Adeline
Seskis, Tina
Seymour, E.V.
Seymour, Gerald
Shako, Marc W.
Shannon, Brad
Sharam, Kate
Sharman, Miriam
Sharp, David
Sharp, Kerry
Sharp, Luke
Sharp, S.K.
Sharp, Zoë
Shaw, M.B.
Shaw, Simon
Shaw, William (G.W. Shaw)
Shemilt, Jane
Shepherd, Lloyd
Shepherd, Lynn
Shepherd, Neal
Shepherd, Stella
Shepherd-Robinson, Laura
Sherez, Stav
Sheridan, Sara
Sherlock, John
Sherratt, Mel
Sherwood, John
Shilling, Bob
Shone, Anna
Shute, Walter
Sieveking, Lance
Silberrad, Una L.
Silver, Morgan W.
Silverwood, Roger
Simms, Chris
Simpson, Dorothy
Simpson, John
Simpson, Ronald
Sims, George
Sims, George R.
Sinclair, Andrew
Sinclair, Dennis
Sinclair, Jodie
Sinclair, Rob
Sington, Philip
Slater, Alice
Slater, Humphrey
Slater, Jack
Slater, K.L.
Sleath, Frederick
Smart, Harriet
Smart, Julian
Smith, A.C.H.
Smith, Alex
Smith, Alexander McCall
Smith, Anna
Smith, Caesar
Smith, Carol
Smith, Charlotte
Smith, Clark
Smith, Dan
Smith, DH
Smith, Fiona Veitch
Smith, Fran
Smith, Graham
Smith, Helen
Smith, Joan
Smith, John Templeton (John Smith)
Smith, Michael Marshall
Smith, Murray
Smith, Shelley
Smith, Tom Rob
Snow, C.P.
Somers, John
Somers, Paul
Souter, Keith
Southey, Roz
Spain, Nancy
Spark, Muriel
Speller, Elizabeth
Spencer, John B.
Spencer, Sally
Sprigg, C. St. John
Stables, Gordon
Stacey, Lyndon
Stacey, Susannah
Staincliffe, Cath
Stallwood, Veronica
Stand, Marguerite
Stanley, Bennett
Stanley, David
Stanley, Guy
Stanley, John
Stanners, H.H.
Stanton, Coralie
Starling, Boris
Steadman, Catherine
Steed, Neville
Steel, Harriet
Steel, Jack
Steen, Jane
Steiner, Susie
Steinway, Martha
Stephen, Martin
Stephenson, Nick
Stern, Stuart
Stewart, Douglas
Stewart, Mary
Stewart, Michael
Stirling, Jessica
St. James, Ian
Stock, Jon
Stokes, Cedric
Stone, Austin
Stone, Nick
Stone, Thomas H.
Stone, Zachary
Straker, J.F.
Stratmann, Linda
Stringer, Jay
Strong, Tony
Stuart, Blair
Stuart, Ian
Stubbs, Jean
Styles, Showell
Summerfield, Lin
Sussman, Paul
Sutherland, Morris
Suttie, Steven
Sutton, Henry
Swallow, James
Swift, Anthony
Swift, Benjamin
Swift, Graham
Swift, Helen Susan
Swindells, Duncan
Swinfen, Ann
Sykes, S.D.
Sylvester, Martin
Symonds, Tim
Symons, Julian
Tait, Victoria updated (22 Dec)
Tallis, Frank (F.R. Tallis)
Tallon, Emma updated (24 Nov)
Tanner, Martin
Tarrant, John
Tasker, Peter
Taylor, Alison
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, C.L.
Taylor, Domini
Teller, Anders
Templeton, Aline
Terry, William
Tey, Josephine
Thomas, Alan
Thomas, Craig
Thomas, Donald
Thomas, JJ
Thomas, Leslie
Thomas, Russ
Thomas, Scarlett
Thompson, China
Thompson, Christian
Thomson, Basil
Thomson, E.S.
Thomson, June
Thomson, Lesley
Thorne, David
Thorogood, Robert updated (26 Jan)
Thynne, Molly
Tidy, Oliver
Timlin, Mark
Tinker, Beamish
Todd, Marilyn
Todd, Marion
Tombs, Kerry
Tope, Rebecca
Torrie, Malcolm
Tort, Sue
Townend, Peter
Toyne, Simon
Trace, Jon
Tranter, Nigel
Tremayne, Peter
Tremayne, S.K.
Trench, John
Trenhaile, John
Trevor, Elleston
Trevor, Ralph
Trevorrow, Helen
Tripp, Miles
Trow, M.J.
Truss, Lynne
Truss, Seldon
Tucker, James
Tudor, C.J.
Turnbull, Margaret
Turnbull, Peter
Turner, A.K.
Turner, J.B.
Turner, J.V.
Turner, James
Turner, M.K.
Turpin, Andrew
Tute, Warren
Twining, James
Tyce, Harriet
Tyler, L.C.
Underhill, Charles
Unsworth, Barry
Upson, Nicola updated (22 Dec)
Urquhart, Paul
Vahey, John Haslette
Valdez, Paul
Valentine, Deborah
Vaughan, Sarah
Veste, Luca
Vick, Frances
Vine, Barbara
Vivian, Francis
Vogel, Vince updated (26 Jan)
Voss, Louise
Voss, Louise & Mark Edwards
Vulliamy, C.E.
Waddell, Dan
Waddell, Martin
Wade, Henry
Wadham, Lucy
Waines, A.J.
Wainwright, John
Waites, Martyn
Wakefield, H. Russell
Waldock, Sarah J.
Walker, Martin
Walker, Paul
Walker, Peter N.
Walker, Rowland
Walker, Sue
Wallace, Edgar
Waller, Anita
Walling, R.A.J.
Wallis-Martin, Julia
Walsh, Caspar
Walsh, Jill Paton
Walsh, T.M.E.
Walter, B.P.
Walters, Alex
Walters, Michael
Walters, Minette
Ward, Chris (Christopher Ward)
Ward, Sarah (Rhiannon Ward)
Ware, Ruth
Warren, Jeff
Warwick, Francis
Warwick, Sidney
Wassmer, Julie updated (26 Jan)
Waters, Sarah
Watkins, Ron
Watkins, Roz
Watson, Colin
Watson, S.J.
Watson, William
Watt, Holly
Watts, Beverley
Watts, Kerry
Way, Camilla
Way, Peter
Waye, Cecil
Weatherby, W.J.
Weaver, Tim
Webb, Alex
Webster, Noah
Weeks, Lee
Weinberg, Kate
Wellard, James
Wells, Kate
Wells, Shirley
Welsh, Lesley
Welsh, Louise
Wentworth, Patricia
West, Christopher
West, Mark
Westall, William
Westmacott, Mary
Weston, Barry
Weston, J.D.
Whalley, Peter
Wheatley, Dennis
Wheeler, Stephen
Whitaker, Chris
White, Alan
White, Anton
White, Daisy (D.E. White)
White, Ethel Lina
White, Fred M.
White, Neil
White, Percy
White, R.J.
White, Robert
Whitechurch, Victor L.
Whitehead, Barbara
Whitelaw, David
Whitelaw, Stella
Whitman, Charles
Whitney, Alec
Whitworth, James
Wick, Stuart Mary
Wignall, Kevin (K.J. Wignall)
Wilkins, Susan
Wilkinson, Ellen
Wilkinson, Kerry
Willett, Hilda
Williams, Alan
Williams, Andrew
Williams, Charlie
Williams, David
Williams, Gordon M.
Williams, Ian
Williams, Timothy
Williams, Tony
Williamson, Leslie
Willocks, Tim
Wills, Adrian (A.J. Wills)
Wills, Cecil M.
Wilmot, J.R.
Wilson, Andrew
Wilson, Colin
Wilson, David
Wilson, Derek (D.K. Wilson)
Wilson, Des
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Elizabeth
Wilson, G.M.
Wilson, Greg
Wilson, Ivor
Wilson, John
Wilson, John F.
Wilson, Laura
Wilson, P.W.
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Tim
Winchester, Jack
Wingfield, R.D.
Winnington, Alan
Winship, Tom
Winslow, Pauline Glen
Winsor, Diana
Winspear, Jacqueline
Winward, Walter
Wise, Arthur
Wishart, David
Witting, Clifford
Woden, George
Wogan, Charles
Wojtas, Olga
Wolfenden, George
Wollaston, Nicholas
Wolstencroft, David
Wood, Benjamin
Wood, James
Wood, Tom
Wood, Trevor
Wood, Walter
Woodcraft, Elizabeth
Woodhall, Edwin Thomas
Woodhouse, Jake
Woodhouse, Martin
Woods, James Garcia
Woods, Sara
Woodthorpe, R.C.
Wooll, Edward
Woolley, C.S.
Wray, Sarah (1)
Wray, Sarah (2)
Wright, A.J. (Alan Wright)
Wright, Glover
Wright, Keith
Wright, Steve
Wyer, Carol
Wynd, Oswald
Wynne, Anthony
Yates, Allan Geoffrey
Yates, Dornford
York, Andrew
York, Jeremy
Yorke, Margaret
Young, Debbie
Young, Dylan
Young, Glenda
Yuill, P.B.
Zangwill, Israel
Zouroudi, Anne